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must understand how to calculate your electricity bill and what a kilowatt-hour is. The easiest way to explain it is through a 100 watt bulb light as an example. 100 watts used 6 hours a day for 30 days is 100W x 6 x 30 = 18,000 watts. Divide this in 1000 (kilowatt = 1000 watts) = 18 kilowatt hours. The average price is 0.12 KWH in the United States right now. So 18 x 0.12 cents is $ 2.16 per month. This is for a single light! Some ceiling fans with 3 100W lights costs $ 6.48 a month. Many just use 9 watts. Power 1/10th, 1/10th of the cost. In the example of Lights upper fan cost $ 6.48 a month, this would be about $ .65 cents using compact fluorescent bulbs. That's just a light fixture also give back to his house and watch all your accessories. Add the light you need.
Go to a store or discount store and buy as many compact fluorescent bulbs as needed. This investment will pay a lot over the years, the bulbs last. For lights that remain lit all the time, investing in LED bulbs that use 1/100th of the power of a normal bulb.
Simply take the old bulb and screw in compact fluorescent bulbs. Ditto for LED bulbs. Your energy savings will begin immediately. Also use common sense as turning off lights when not in a room. SAVE ELECTRICITY
Go to store home improvement, and buying down solar shades for the interior of your windows. These range from mini blinds and exterior windows. Repel sunlight (which are white) and will help insulate the windows much save on heating and cooling costs. These can be replaced with a simple screwdriver. The stores and cutting measure.
Disconnect all electronic devices (or use a power strip switch) when not in use. Many DVD players, televisions and wall adapters escape of several watts each, even when turned off! Them when they switch power strip in use.
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