Be thankful for what they have and not think about what you do not have. Thanks for your blessings substantially raise their status of mind, especially if they become a regular practice. Try keeping a gratitude journal that is written every day.
Reach out. Call your family and friends, have someone accompany him to the dinner party, attending office Christmas parties and holiday meetings invited to do so. Go to eat at a restaurant, even if you have to go alone during the Christmas season.
work on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day if that helps you feel less alone. It will keep you busy, and help take your mind off the fact that he is alone.
Avoid watching or listening to the news during the holiday season, and that much of the same is negative and depressing. Just try reading inspirational books, and see only optimistic or inspiring movies and television programs. The bad news affects you more than you think.
Volunteers during the Christmas holiday season. Helping others is the state of mind known. So finding someone or somewhere that you need and go volunteer with them.
Keep busy. Go out and exercise at least once a day, you find that is uplifting and good for your body. Being busy in the evenings after work for the rental of DVDs, looking good books in the library, from a draft complicated art or participate in some kind of group that meets at least once or twice every mes.Va to holiday events in your area, whether the church programs, ballet, theater, movies Christmas or guided tours of their towns Christmas lights in the cities houses.
Go on a trip during the Christmas holidays, if you can. Journey to a special place you've always wanted to go and stay with or meet the locals, if you can. Will be less lonely that way.
Splurge on something for yourself during the Christmas season, perhaps a meal at a fancy restaurant, a new layer, a bouquet of flowers or something you've always wanted. Get
advice or call a crisis center, if nothing seems to work and is very depressed or even suicidal. There are many good people out there with the desire and skills to help with this.
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