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The use of zinc lozenges help relieve nasal congestion and sore throat. Furthermore, studies indicate it may reduce the duration of your cold by using 2 3 pills per day. Warm
drink hot liquids and transparent, in particular, are softer than the mucous membranes. Give your immune system a boost with herbal tea containing licorice and echinacea. A children's favorite: hot apple cider. Soups with lots of broth are great options, too.
dry, indoor air is the archenemy of those suffering from a cold virus. Use a humidifier to relieve swollen membranes. Special Note: Make sure the humidifier is clean and free of mold, and if not, it can aggravate their symptoms or cause additional health problems. Medicate
most doctors frown LITTLE-counter medications (OTC) to treat multiple symptoms. If you have a symptom that is causing the most discomfort, find a drug that is one of the symptoms.
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