Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Much Does Rabies Vaccine Cost For A Dog

Anxiety is not fear, precisely because the fear is focused on something right in front of you, a real danger and objective, writes Robin Marantz Henig in her article New York Times Magazine, Understanding the Mind. If you are anxious anxious, find it hard to talk about this omen, is trapped in an endless loop of what would happen if, according to the article. In other words, afraid of what may not even Happen. Jerome Kagan, professor of psychology at Harvard, has been conducting longitudinal studies of temperament since 1989, and found that anxiety has a neurological fingerprint is not easily overcome. It seems that if a child was anxious to retain the trends through adolescence and adulthood. It is possible to confront the demons of anxiety, however, cognitive-behavioral therapy. Stop the endless loop of electricity and replacement of thoughts with actions you can learn to do what is not anxious people do it automatically. If you are concerned to find ways to enjoy your loved ones and life here is a practical way to end the cycle of concern. These 13 steps of action that I created and used with couples and families in counseling are appropriate for all ages 6 to 106.

Cut sheets into strips. Make each strip about 1 by 5 inches. Cut a total of 100 strips so that you will have an adequate supply for the week.

Write concern in each strip. Be sure to include your concerns. No matter how big or small your concerns are, simply type done. As worries about his chest in a strip of paper is the first step in breaking the cycle of concern.


Be specific. For example, instead of writing: "Concerned about Johnny's school," to be more specific: "We are concerned that Johnny is behind in math." Instead of: "Worried about the bills," they write: ". Concerned about overdue phone bill" The more specific you are, the more you feel relief. Cree

two groups: a lot of "Yes" and a lot of "No"

Read aloud a concern. Ask yourself: "Is there anything I can do this concern today?" If the answer is "yes", in which worry strip in the "Yes" pile. If the answer is "no", since concern pulled the "No" pile. Continue until each worry is placed in the appropriate cell.

Throw the "No" to the trash pile. Yes! Since there is nothing we can do about it "No" today, no need to hold on to them.

Shift your focus on the "Yes" pile. Commit to taking action in each worry in the "Yes" pile.

Read about each "Yes" strip of concern. Put policy concerns based on what is responsible for first, second and third.

Take action. Decide what action to take and immediate. After taking the action, go to the next concern. Take further steps until you have reached the end of the strips of concern.

be free of worries for the rest of the day and celebrate. Took action on their concerns and now you are free to enjoy the day.

Repeat the above steps every day. Their concerns will subside soon. Begin to discover the difference between the concerns that can do something about it and those who can not.

Memorize this mantra: I may have concerns, but do not worry for my concerns.

me a message letting me know how it is. I care about you.


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